Quote Mates for BigCommerce

Ease your B2B quotation process on BigCommerce platform


Fast & Accurate Quotes

Send Sales Quotes in Minutes

Connect through BigCommerce control panel or download as mobile app. Choose products (including variants), choose existing customer or add new customer, decide product price, set quote expiry, review final cart and email through the app. All in sync with BigCommerce platform. All features including support for advanced product types, variants and product modifiers standard with all price plans. Auto detection of store currency for international support.

Request Quote Button

More Leads through Storefront

Embed Request Quote Button on Website

Generate more leads by embedding our 'Request Quote' button on product and cart pages of your storefront. Customize quote button and pop-up form for quote requests to match your brand guidelines. Receive automatic email notification for every quote request on your storefront.

Email Checkout Button

Checkout Button in Email

Let Customers Checkout & Close Deals from Email

Automatically embed custom cart in your quote email. Let customers checkout at your storefront right from their email. Attach quote PDF for easy print/save. Track quote progress in your Dashboard from sending email to payment and order booking. Choose from multiple email templates or leverage our free customization service to create a custom email template.

Salvage Abanonded Cart

Salvage Abandoned Carts

Capture lost sales through custom quotes

Use our Abandoned Cart tracking feature with custom quotes to send enticing offers to customers leaving purchases mid-way. Salvage abandoned carts and add to your bottomline. Use a B2B approach to abandoned carts recovery with better results than just email reminders.

Sync orders to BigCommerce

Sync Orders

Automatic Order Transmission to BigCommerce

Reflect order and customer data in your BigCommerce tenant automatically, avoiding any double-entry needs. Quote Mates and BigCommerce tenant data, including order details and quote conversion status, are always in sync. Leverage availability of order history for every customer inside Quote Mates to prepare your next quote.

Quote Mates Companion Mobile App

An App for Field Sales Productivity

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Sync orders to BigCommerce4

Watch App Video

An overview of app features.


Price / Month
Number of outgoing Quotes
(per month)
$9.99 Unlimited Quotes
* all features included in one simple plan.
* 10 free user accounts included with every plan

Get Quote Mates Web App Here

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